Mystic Maggie's Rules

Alrighty, being a GS, Mystic Maggie LOVES attention...all kinds of it! Woot! Attention in trade chat and on the Shaiya shoutbox...FTW!!!

Here are Maggie's favorite rules for Shaiya Players: (btw, did I mention Mystic Maggie is nothing more than a glorified tattletaler?), so be careful when you see the Magster online, cuz I'll get ya!


1. You can be a disrespectul punk and KS people and harass them all day long.
You can be a victim of such a person in this FREE online RPG game, and BEG and BEG for a GS(like Mystic Maggie, or Krovi, or BBgirl)for help to get rid of people like .ashraf. and we'll just run around the mapsor the guild auction house and ignore you.

BUT, the very SECOND you use CAPS in trade...I'll warn you, even if you're just wanting to sell something. You use all caps, you're banned! Because you're a loser and I hate you.

2. You can KS bosses and farm them, IF you're a PI or Rage member and I'll not say anything to you...screw you little guys who are just starting out, I don't like you and I don't care about you....Aeria games has asked me to protect the PI members(because they are the real life money spenders and buy tons of AP). And I'll warn you anything you want in the game, but do NOT use caps in trade. I am a vendictive woman and I WILL ban your butt in a heartbeat.

3. KS, Harass others(especially lower levels)...I get such a kick out of watching my PI nad RAGE guild buddies KSing lower level oracles and watching the oracles or Assassins QQ about it in trade. I just ignore them, keep grinding and pretend I'm away from the keyboard.

4. If you're my friend, you can CUSS in trade. If you're not? I'll ban you. I'll double ban you for using all caps while cussing in trade chat if you're not my friend and if you don't kiss my butt.

5. PI and Rage give me free gear to let them have free reign of the game(shhh! *winky).

6. Do NOT say ANYTHING about me at all. I will ban you. I'm a fascist pig and do NOT believe in Freedom of Speech(unless of course, you're in PI or Rage, I have strict orders from Aeria to let them do anything).

So, those are a couple of the basic rules of how to survive in the MMORPG Shaiya with me as a Game Sage.

If you DO want to be a good player, you must spend at least $250 of AP every 2 weeks(and I'll make sure you get the "Super Special Mystic Maggie Escort" attention that you deserve.

Kiss my butt? Have a good time :)

Don't kiss my butt, OR use caps in trade OR try to stick up for lower levels? You're banned!