Ok, NOW on to my favorite Mystic Maggie Shoutbox Rules(shoutbox is found at shaiya.aeriagames.com, then clicking on "forums", and you'll see the shoutbox on the right hand of the page).
The shoutbox is fun, and I just LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE getting attention in there, all kinds of it!
By the way, I'm a woman, so don't argue with me. And, to top it off, I'm a GS and I'm a man hater. I banned a guy last night(because I'm a woman and I hate men especially and because I'm a fascist pig, and do NOT believe in Freedom of Speech. WHAT I SAY GOES AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, got it already?).
And you know what that guy did to get banned? He stuck up for all the low level losers(which I hate, cuz I'm a spoiled daddy's girl)...it's not MY fault those scum were born poor and don't have money to buy AP.
Off with their heads! So, here are my rules for using the Shaiya shoutbox:
1. If you're a man, your opinion doesn't matter, I hate you anyway.
2. If you're a member of PI(like my fellow banning buddy KROVI) say whatever you want, whenever you want, because Aeria told us to let them do whatever they want because they spend money.
3. If you TELL the truth about Aeria, you will be banned.
4. If you TELL the truth about me, you will be banned.
5. If you stick up for people who are upset with Aeria or Shaiya, YOU WILL BE BANNED.
6. If you tell the truth about ANY GS, YOU WILL BE BANNED.
7. We are GS's, and if you're not a personal friend of ours. we HATE YOU and don't care about your problems.
8. Who really gives a crap if the server is down for a week and your conti is running. I don't...and to prove it? Watch me on the shoutbox EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT starting at 5 pm Pacific Standard Time and watch how little I care about people I don't know when they stress about their runes running during extended server maintenance.
9. QUIT QQing you losers(unless you're my friend and I'll send that support ticket ASAP for ya! *winky winky). You're a retard becuase you agreed to be disrespected by me, other GS's, and Aeria when you installed the game.
10. GS's, Aeria, Shaiya do NOT care about you in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Get over it.
11. Don't use CAPS in shoutbox...I will ban you in a heartbeat.
12. I'm a fascist...there is NO such thing as free speech( I agreed to that Hitler concept when I accepted position of GS...and I LOVE IT!) Only myself or other GS's are allowed to say what we want. The rest of you are pathetic losers('specially you men).
13. Do NOT agree with people who feel disrespected or you will be banned from the forum instantly. ONLY MY OPINION COUNTS, not yours. You can go to hell for all I care.
See? The rules are easy! You kiss my butt or you get banned from Aeria Forums...quite a simple concept really!